Active Action Consulting FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions

We work with a variety of organizations within the healthcare, public health, and social & community services sectors. Our clients range from non-profits and community organizations to different agencies and private companies.

We leverage evidence-based approaches and tailor our services to meet the unique needs of each client. Our team of experienced professionals is dedicated to providing innovative solutions and professional development to ensure your goals are achieved.

We manage a wide range of events, including conferences, workshops, seminars, corporate meetings, networking, product launches, charity events, and social gatherings. Our expertise spans across health, social, and various other sectors.

Yes, our Project Management services are designed to ensure your projects are completed on time and within budget. We provide comprehensive project management support, from planning and execution to monitoring and evaluation.

Knowledge Mobilization & Translation involves transforming research into practical applications. We help bridge the gap between research and practice, ensuring that valuable insights are effectively applied to real-world scenarios.

We offer several services to support new immigrants, including the Rapid Program for acclimation assistance, job readiness assistance, resume writing and tailoring, and online portfolio creation. Our goal is to help new immigrants integrate successfully and find employment in Canada.

Our Public Health Program (MPH) Admission Consultation service guides prospective students through the MPH admission process in Canada. We offer personalized advice on application strategies, preparing application materials, and applying into different universities in Canada.

Our Environmental Scan service assesses the external environment to inform strategic decisions. We analyze factors such as market trends, regulatory changes, and competitive landscapes to provide you with valuable insights.

We provide comprehensive hiring support, from helping you define job roles and requirements to sourcing candidates, conducting interviews, and making hiring recommendations. Our goal is to help you find the right talent for your organization.

Getting started with us is easy. You can book a free initial consultation with us. We will discuss your needs and tailor our services to help you achieve your goals. If you have any questions or would like more information about our services, please contact us through our webform or email us at