Our Knowledge Translation Service

Make Your Research Accessible and Impactful

Transforming complex research findings into practical, easily understandable formats is crucial for effective communication. Our knowledge translation services ensure that your research and evidence are presented in engaging and accessible ways, such as infographics, posters, and videos. We help you communicate your findings to a broader audience, enhancing the impact of your work.

Comprehensive Knowledge Translation Support

  • Personalized Consultation: We start with a consultation to understand your research, goals, and target audience.
  • Content Development: Our team collaborates with you to develop clear, concise, and accurate content that conveys your key messages.
  • Visual Design: We create visually appealing infographics, posters that make your research findings easy to understand and retain.
  • Engaging Formats: Our knowledge translation services include a variety of formats to suit different audiences and platforms, ensuring broad reach and engagement.
  • Ongoing Support: We provide ongoing support to ensure your knowledge translation materials remain current and relevant.

Why Choose Our Knowledge Translation Service?

  • Expertise: Our team has extensive experience in translating complex research into practical, engaging formats.
  • Tailored Approach: We customize our services to meet your specific research and communication needs.
  • Enhanced Impact: Our services are designed to enhance the impact of your research by making it accessible to a broader audience.
  • Comprehensive Service: From content development to visual design, we offer a full range of services to ensure your research is effectively communicated.
  • Engaging Outputs: We create engaging, visually appealing materials that capture and hold your audience’s attention.

Enhance the Impact of Your Research

To discuss how we can support you, book a free consultation today at Active Action Consultation Booking